Recent Papers
1 Turbulence: DNS and Analysis
- GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 63 (2010) 769-810
Performance of Very-High-Order Upwind Schemes for DNS of Compressible Wall-Turbulence - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D. ETMM8 (2010);
ERCOFTAC 8. Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements Symposium, Marseille [FRA], jun 9--11, 2010
Time-Series, Statistics and Scaling of Pressure, Temperature and Density Fluctuations in Compressible Wall-Turbulence - VALLET I. Draft Paper (2000)
Hanjalic-Launder Diffusion in Cylindrical Coordiantes - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. AIAA Paper 2007--3408 (2007);
AIAA/CEAS 13. Aeroacoustics Conference, Roma [ITA], may 21--23, 2007
Pressure, Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Compressible Turbulent Flow --- I - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. AIAA Paper 2008--0647 (2008);
AIAA 46. Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno [NV, USA], jan 7--10, 2008
Pressure, Density and Temperature Fluctuations in Compressible Turbulent Flow --- II A priori Modelling of the Density Variance - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. AIAA Paper 2007--3863 (2007);
AIAA 37. Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Miami [FL, USA], jun 25--28, 2007
Wall-Effects on Pressure Fluctuations in Quasi-Incompressible and Compressible Turbulent Plane Channel Flow - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. AIAA Paper 2007--4196 (2007);
AIAA 18. Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Miami [FL, USA], jun 25--28, 2007
DNS of Compressible Channel Flow using Low-Diffusion High-Order Upwind Schemes - GEROLYMOS G.A., LO C., SENECHAL D., VALLET I., YOUNIS B.A. ETMM7 (2008);
Limasol, [CYP]; 6--4 jun 2008
Wall-Effects on Pressure Fluctuations in Quasi-Incompressible Turbulent Plane Channel Flow
2 Turbulence: Reynolds-Stress Model
- GEROLYMOS G.A., LO C., VALLET I., YOUNIS B.A. AIAA Paper 2011--3574 (2011);
AIAA 41. Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu [HI, USA], jun 27--30, 2011
Near-wall second moment closure based on DNS analysis of pressure correlations - GEROLYMOS G.A., JOLY S. , MALLET M., VALLET I. J. Aircraft 47 (2010) 1368-1381
Reynolds-Stress Model Flow Prediction in Aircraft Engine Intake Double-S-Shaped Duct - VALLET I. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 56 (2008) 525--555
Reynolds-stress modelling of M=2.25 shock-wave/turbulentboundary-layer interaction - SAURET E, VALLET I. ASME J. Fluids Eng. 129 (2007) 634--642
Near-Wall Turbulent Pressure Diffusion and Influence in 3-D Secondary Flows - VALLET I. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 74 (2007) 1142--1156
Reynolds-Stress Modeling of 3-D Secondary Flows with Emphasis on Turbulent Diffusion Closure
- GEROLYMOS G.A. J. Approx. Theory 163 (2011) 267--305
Approximation error of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomial - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D. , VALLET I. AIAA Paper 2009--1608 (2009)
Analysis of Dual-Time-Stepping with Explicit Subiterations for Advection-Diffusion-Type Equations - BEN NASR N.,GEROLYMOS G.A., VALLET I. ICCFD5 (2008);
Seoul [KOR], jul 7--11, 2008
The Riemann Problem for Reynolds-Stress-Transport in RANS and VLES - GEROLYMOS G.A., VALLET I. ASME J. Fluids Eng. 129 (2007) 1212--1227
Robust Implicit Multigrid Reynolds-Stress Model Computation of 3-D Turbomachinery Flows - GEROLYMOS G.A., VALLET I. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 61 (2009) 185-219
Implicit Meanflow-Multigrid Algorithms for Reynolds-Stress Model Computation of 3-D Anisotropy-Driven and Compressible Flows - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D. , VALLET I. J. Comp. Phys. 228 (2009) 8481-8524
Very-High-Order WENO Schemes - GEROLYMOS G.A., SENECHAL D., VALLET I. Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids 63 (2010) 769-810
Performance of Very-High-Order Upwind Schemes for DNS of Compressible Wall-Turbulence
4 Aerodynamics
- GEROLYMOS G.A., JOLY S. , MALLET M., VALLET I. J. Aircraft 47 (2010) 1368-1381
Reynolds-Stress Model Flow Prediction in Aircraft Engine Intake Double-S-Shaped Duct